HomeOperationsWhat is cloud repatriation and what's causing it? 

What is cloud repatriation and what’s causing it? 

The cloud has been one of the biggest technological innovations of the 21st century, enabling organizations of all sizes to access and utilize powerful computing resources without investing in expensive hardware and software. 

However, despite the many benefits of cloud computing, some companies are now starting to move away from the cloud and back to on-premises infrastructure. This trend, known as cloud repatriation, is raising questions about the future of the cloud and the reasons why some organizations are choosing to reverse their cloud migrations. 

In this blog, we will explore the concept of cloud repatriation, its causes, and what it means for the future of cloud computing.

What is Cloud Repatriation?

The move towards public cloud environments was initially driven by cost savings and the flexibility and scalability of the cloud. However, in recent years, some companies have found that the public cloud is not the best fit for all their workloads due to various factors such as cost and data sovereignty concerns.

Cloud repatriation refers to bringing back workloads and data from public cloud environments to on-premises infrastructure. One of the main drivers of cloud repatriation is security. While public cloud providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure offer robust security features, many organizations still feel uncomfortable placing sensitive data in the cloud. In some cases, companies may have regulatory requirements that prohibit them from storing certain types of data in the cloud, forcing them to bring their workloads back on-premises.

Factors driving cloud repatriation

In recent years, there has been a significant shift towards cloud computing, with many organizations moving their applications and data to the cloud for its numerous benefits. However, there has been a growing trend of cloud repatriation, where organizations are bringing their data and applications back on-premises after initially moving them to the cloud. 

1. Data privacy and compliance concerns

Data privacy and compliance concerns are among the leading reasons why organizations are considering cloud repatriation. According to Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2022, 39% of businesses in the UK were under cyber attack in 2022. As data breaches continue to make headlines, businesses are becoming more cautious about where they store their sensitive information. Some companies are also subject to regulatory requirements that mandate certain data must be stored within specific geographic regions, leading them to move back on-premise.

2. Data security concerns

Data security is another significant driver of cloud repatriation. While cloud providers typically have strong security measures in place, some companies feel they have more control over the security of their data when it’s on-premises. Additionally, there have been cases where cloud providers experienced data breaches, further fueling concerns about data security in the cloud.

3. Cost optimization and efficiency

Cost optimization and efficiency are also major drivers of cloud repatriation. While cloud services offer many benefits, including scalability and flexibility, they can also be expensive, especially for companies with high computing or storage needs. Some organizations have found that moving workloads back on-premise can be more cost-effective in the long run, especially when factoring in factors such as egress fees.

4. The impact of the pandemic on cloud usage

The impact of the pandemic on cloud usage is driving some organizations to consider cloud repatriation. With more employees working remotely, cloud usage has surged in recent years. However, this has also led to concerns about security and control, leading some organizations to move workloads back on-premise to ensure better control and security over their data.

5. Limited Visibility

In addition to security and cost concerns, another reason for cloud repatriation is the need for greater control over data and workloads. When using public cloud environments, organizations may have limited visibility into their workloads and data, which can make it challenging to troubleshoot issues or optimize performance. By bringing workloads back on-premises, organizations can have more control over their infrastructure and better tailor it to their specific needs.

Challenges of cloud repatriation

Despite these benefits, cloud repatriation has challenges. Moving workloads from the cloud back on-premises requires careful planning and execution to avoid disruption and ensure compatibility with existing systems. 

Some of the challenges include:

  1. Data migration: Moving large amounts of data from the cloud to an on-premise infrastructure can be a time-consuming and complex process. It requires careful planning and execution to ensure that data is migrated safely and without any loss.
  2. Infrastructure costs: Repatriating applications or data from the cloud to an on-premise infrastructure may require significant investment in infrastructure, such as servers, storage, and networking equipment. This can result in higher upfront costs and ongoing maintenance expenses.
  3. IT staffing and training: Repatriating applications or data may require additional IT staff or training to maintain the on-premise infrastructure, which can add to the overall cost.
  4. Lack of scalability: On-premise infrastructure may not have the same scalability as cloud infrastructure, making it challenging to handle sudden spikes in demand.
  5. Limited access to cloud-specific features: Cloud service providers offer several features and capabilities that may not be available on-premise, such as auto-scaling, serverless computing, and machine learning. Repatriating data or applications may limit an organization’s ability to leverage these features.


Cloud repatriation is a trend that has emerged as a response to various factors, including security concerns, compliance requirements, rising costs, and the need for greater control over data and workloads. While cloud repatriation can offer several benefits, organizations must carefully consider the long-term implications and challenges associated with moving workloads back on-premises.


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