HomeOperationsMonitoringInstana announces Support for GKE's on-prem version

Instana announces Support for GKE’s on-prem version

Instana, a provider of Application Performance Management (APM) solutions for microservice applications, announced support for the on-premises version of Google Kuberbetes Engine.

Application teams need flexibility in their platform choices, especially as they implement and roll out orchestrated microservice applications,” said Mirko Novakovic, Instana co-founder and CEO. “Instana will continue to expand our Kubernetes distribution support so that no matter what platform a DevOps team chooses, they can also have a world class APM solution.

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Instana has been adding support for Kubernetes for a while, and supporting the on-prem version of GKE is the latest in a series of announcements in this space. At KubeCon US 2019, Instana announced tighter integrated with Kubernetes with existing infrastructure monitoring, APM and tracing capabilities within the Instana product, lowering the barrier for using Kubernetes. Since then, Instana announced support for Envoy, containerd and OpenShift.

Instana’s application monitoring solution automatically discovers application infrastructure and service components, including Kubernetes assets. It deploys monitoring sensors automatically for each component of the application technology stack and traces all application requests – without requiring any human configuration or even application restarts. The solution detects changes in the application environment in real-time, adjusting its own models and visualizing the changes and impacts to performance in seconds.

Instana’s Kubernetes APM solution runs on many popular K8S distributions include open-source Kubernetes, Microsoft Azure AKS, IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service, Red Hat OpenShift, Google (GKE) cloud and on-prem versions, and Amazon’s EKS.


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